August 8 - August 10 (NYC August 9 and 10 )


Route Map


8-11 About 60 to Scotch Plains and 60 to here, so ~4390. Hatboro. Got a late start this morning a 6:50 and tried to make it out of the area in good time, to no avail. Got totally lost, partially the maps fault, but made it to Bound Brook for breakfast. The only good break.[fast] since ND. Decided to go through Princeton. Neat campus the Grad Chem is OK. Prof Chen is the best. I wasted a little time ~1.5 hrs. but of course it was not totally foregone [fornot]. Rode in the rain a good ways before I finally had lunch ~4:15 in front of a funeral home. It was about 10 miles from the board[er] and was w/o


rain. Bought dinner in Newtown. I'm in an industrial park, neat! Washington Crossing was a spiffy place. Not to mention NY city. The Met, Gug and Frick.

August 8-10
Scotch Plains, New Jersey

The reference to getting lost being partly the maps fault is not trying to lay blame. I close look at the map and there are two Bound Brooks only a few miles apart.

I spent two days in New York City, taking the train from Scotch Plains. Very fun. I had a friend from school (Jim) that lived in Scotch Plains and I stayed the nights there. As I walked out of Grand Central Station for the first time as saw all the skyscrapers I was in total awe. I called Dad and asked him where to go. He suggested the MET, the Gug and, his favorite, the Frick. Dad had good taste, the Frick was the nicest.