August 11 - August 14


Route Map


7[8]-15-78 75 miles Millersville; 55 York; 80 miles to Brownsville; Matthews Arm CG 82 ~total 4682 miles. Got the grand tour of Valley Forge. Met up with a guy that was out to put on some miles & he escorted me to Lionville for lunch. An interesting 45 year old domineering chap. After that I headed out toward Lancaster via Intercourse, etc. Inter. was a real tourist pit. I was grossed out by the whole affair. Went to Lanc. where I met another fellow who gave me part of a county map of Lanc. county & let me use his bathroom. I went to Millersville for the night. The cops said "Hell no, not the park!" So a man


in the drug store, Mullner,I believe, put me up. I called ma, took a shower & told him tales of Glacier. Promised also to send him literature on it. Next morning headed for Harrisburg ate break.[fast] at Columbia and had a horrid gut ache with the trots. Made it to H. with little difficulty, saw some of the capitol and road toward York via routes 177 & 74. Just outside of Lewisberg I stopped at a fruit stand for peaches a bananna pepper, toms & lemonaide. Schucks! On to York to spend the night. What else can I say. From York it was Gettysburg via 116.


Grossly foggy & quite scarey. Tourtists. On to Fairfield for lunch where a guy invited me up to his place. The First time in 1st gear. Keeerist.



August 11
Hatboro, Pennsylvania
August 12
Millersville, Pennsylvania
August 13
York, Pennsylvania

My dad was born and raised in York, so this was something pretty special. To my knowledge, I am the only one in my family to ever go there. The detour to Harrisburg was specifically based on Dad's love for he town.

To Dad's dismay I looked up some of his old family and actually spent the night at Fanny Harris' (Aunt Fanny), who when I called her finally said "You're Billy's boy?!?". It had never occured to me that Dad would be a "Billy". I think my fumbling reply was something on the order of "Well, yes, I guess so".