August 7

Route Map


Left at 5:15 and ate. Took 55 to Wingdale w/ a few hills took the backroad[s] out of Wingdale to Billings what a set of hills! It rained all the way and comin' down the other side of the first one, my brakes were no good at all. There was a rotary at the bottom & I had to go off the road and pray not to fall. Finally got to Poughkepsie shitted around there & went to Vanderbuilt's & Roosevelt's. The latter was the most interesting and almost brought a lump to my throat a few times. The tourists are jerks. Ate lunch and headed for here, Highland Mills, NY. It's super humid, rainy and hot & I'm feeling really worn.


I'm staying at a mobile home park for $4, what a rip, but the guy is getting better—he offered me a Cuke. Oh, yes, at Maraborough I had an apple and did [not] fasten things down, hence lost my Go Climb a Glacier [shirt], that was really near the bottom of the day. Oddometer broke at 1211.8. I've gone about 60 since then.

August 7
Highland Mills, New York