June 25 - June 28


Route Map


6-27 1143.0 Hinsdale. Started the day 1027 from Hourfield Chinook. I've been too lazy to write. Made 114 miles yesterday and stayed in Hinsdale. All-in-all we made damn good time yesterday we were clocked at 29 mph. J broke another spoke and is fixing a 2nd now about 2 miles outside Hinsdale. We've a slight head wind. I'll drop my first roll of film in the mail today. I'm getting a little bored of MT. I want some cascading streams. My 35mm lens is all screwed up. I'm thinking of getting another in Williston or Minot. I don't know why but I can't wait for N. Dakota. It'll be just more of the same. At least we will


be in a different state.

6-28-78 1304.5 about 1 mile west of the N.D. borded. Yesterday was long and hot. The lack of food in the morning really makes a diff. Stopped at Wolf Point ~1225 and, although warn[ed] against it, was a more than pleasant stay. The roads here have been quite variable. Before the towns they generally go to hell. Outside, and inside, for that matter, of Glasgow the roads are a real bitch. We went to the Police Stn in Wolf Point and asked for a place to stay and a place to swim-she offered us both,


we[ll] kinda. The place to stay was the Fire Dept Park and the latter being the Police Stn shower. Hot damn. CLEAN Bods. We then ate dinner and went next door Pizza, Beer, Ice Cream & Sandwich Shop and had the middle two. For dinner we had spiced up Chili a little too spiced, but good none-the-less. The Fire Chief's son made us ans. thousands of quest. from "When's your B-day?" to "Do you live on an Ind. Res?" After Beer & Ice Cream we came back to the tent and were invited to play a game of Frisbee. We told them sure, we needed the exercise b/ we had been sitting all day.


Today, we've had a dilly of a time. The roads have been OK. Hills, rolling, started about 1/2 way btw'n Colburtson and Brockton really pretty and nice to have flat. Ate lunch at Colburtson, 1280.8.

I saw a pool as we came into town, J didn't. We went up there and damn they did not open 'till one; it was 11. So we went off to the store and bought and ate lunch. The smiles wouldn't stop. J was going to go swimming but a[t] one the pool immediately filled w/ locals. It was onto Bainville and beer


and two 8 or 9 year old girls (cousins) that proceeded to ask more questions than we could ans. Now we're at a rest area and nearly ever[y] damned truck that goes by blows his horn. Mainly the east bounders. It's neat, but I hope it doesn't go on all night.



June 25
Chinook, Montana
June 26
Hinsdale, Montana
June 27
Wolf Point, Montana
June 28
Montana/North Dakota Border

I'm a not sure if this was the first time we did this, but on the last day in Montana, basically on the North Dakota border, we were camped at a rest area. They are quite nice, especially if they have covered picnic tables, then you don't even need a tent. Here is the first time I remember sleeping on the picnic table. Just throwing my sleeping bag out on the table and crashing. There are no roots or rocks and the wood is not damp or overly warm.