August 15 - August 16


Route Map


7[8]-16-78 Skyland Dining room. 20 odd mile [ride] before breakfast. It's all you can eat. Hehehe. Only went as far as Loft Mtn ~60 miles (4742) Didn't have to buy lunch b/ I got a humongous ham & cheese w/ a slice of tomato & coke & peach. I also got a peach and 'nanna for the road. At the CG I got a free shower.

Now, I must jump back to yesterday. That was the day of Maryland W. Va. and VA. Took a whole mess of back roads that were really neat & the weather broke! On top of that it was cooler. Made it to Front Royal for lunch & had a good talk with an ins. adjuster. The


climb was stiff but not bad. When I got to Hogback overlook I met my first bicyclist. He had ridden from Boston and I was the first bicyclist he had seen. He turned out to be a Prof of restorative dent. at the UW. A neat guy.

8-19-78 25 to the end of Skyline. Blue Ridge mile 169 w/ 5 mile detour for food —> 4935.

Road out of the Shen[andoah] NP 25 miles to breakfast. I saw another bicyclist just outside Blue Ridge who was traveling very light, in fact I thought he was a day


rider. I caught up with him in very short time and found out he was "bicycling across the country to Calif." He was staying in motels and hitch hiking up the big hills. Ha. Went to Whetstone Ridge for lunch & found out there are no stores on the parkway. Ate lunch out. Bill finally caught up w/ me after hitchin' a ride, at this point he lit up a cig. God, some people. I rolled on and met a couple who gave me some lemon aide, ah. Bill caught up after 20 min. Stopped later and helped a guy from NJ with his trailer brakes. He just figured out how they worked & gave me $5.



August 14
Brownsville, Maryland
August 15
Matthews Arm Camp Ground, Virginia
August 16
Loft Mountain Camp Ground, Virginia

Hills. I have spent almost my entire life in the Northwest. The mountains here make the mountains on the east coast look like hills. But, when they build the roads on the east coast they just go up the hill. They do not find the gentle route that slowly winds the way to the top, they plow the road straight to the top. So don't think for a moment that your are used to hills if you've done all your riding out west.

Here my log starts getting really screwy. One problem is that I was not writing daily and the other was that I switched from writing in the evening to writing in the morning. But the one thing that rings through loudly is that anyone that loses track of what month it is when writing a log does not have a lot of pressure or responsibility placed on them.