July 16 - July 17


Route Map


The next morning we got up a taste of Canadian pancakes & prices. Oh Shit! Ate lunch in Iron Bridge w/ a short hop to Blind River. On the 16th we made it to Sudbury, a long haul w/ a slight head wind ~100 miles. Stay[ed] at the Hostel. We've decided to cook our own breakfast b/ of the high prices hope it works out.

Ate lunch in Spanish & Nairn Centre. The French is getting thicker today, the 17th, we really got into French country. We ate lunch in Sturgeon Falls almost everyone was speaking French. God I


feel so helpless. Sudbury was really eery this morn. w/ the slag piles & all desolate in the low morning sun. The [w]hole terrain here is kind of desolate. Btw'n Soo and Sud It varies nicely with quite a few surface boulders & birch trees. We're camped about 1.5 miles east of North Bay in the woods. ~1320, total miles 2780.

July 15
Blind River, Ontario
July 16
Sudbury, Ontario

You will see that we ate breakfast out every morning. This was a very nice way to start the day. It may have had something to do with John and I polishing off a decanter and a half of syrup on our pancakes—nothing like a few thousand calories of sugar to get you ready for the day's ride. The lack of that bummed me out and I still think about it to this day when I go to Canada. Odd how those things stick.

I do not mention what sticks in my memory about Sudbury...dark and dirty mining town. Maybe my memory has made it much worse.

The poor log entries and the lack of pictures does leave a bit of a void in here. As the french got thicker we did start to have some communication problems. After learning we were foreigners things changed. Not sure how that would work now, back then there was a good amount of talk about secession so other Canadians not knowing French was a real sore point.