Trip Planning – Weather


Unless you are planning on riding some place where the weather never changes, you need to do a lot of planning around it. It may be in the middle of the summer, but if you are going to Crater Lake (lake: 6,174ft/1882m, mountain: 8,106ft/2,471m) you better plan on being a little chilly in the morning. If you are planning on leaving there in the morning, you are going to be riding in the cold downhill for a LONG way—a fun downhill ride with frozen fingers. If you are going east you could be in 100° weather in a matter of hours. Remember that it is easy to mail things home, it's harder to get things.

Note: You can do General Delivery through the US postal Service. as of this writing they hold things for 30 days, all you have to do is to find the Post Office in whatever town. This still takes at least a few days planning since your post office of choice needs to get it a day or two prior to you getting there.

I look at weather trends on NOAA or Weather Underground and also use the Farmers Almanac. This only works for planning, unless you plan on take even more electronics than I have already suggested.