Dealing with Handle Bar Bags |
Too many things happening on those barsI love a handlebar bag simply because it gives me quick and easy access to a variety of things I need. Getting a bag that is easy to remove is also nice so you can put items like you money, ID, camera tooth brush, etc. that you need when you go into a cafe, store or the like. The problem I had was my STI shifter cables did not have the clearance needed to allow for the bag. In addition, my headlights did a great job of lighting up the map (and blinding me) but did nothing for safety). Arkel's site (the brand of bag I have) has a variety of tips for getting around this. I used one of their tips and invented on of my own. The pictures below show the set-up that ended up with. I used two of Avid's Rollamajigs® per cable and dropped my head lights to the forks. This seems to work well except the my cables still are a litte tight for room. But it does not seem to affect my shifting. The pitures below show how this looks. |
A close up of the Rollamajigs® in pace. |
The top roller. |
The bottom roller. Note the location of the headlights. |
Bag in place and still poor clearance on the roller. |
Bag in place and still poor clearance on the roller. |